Monday, May 30, 2011

नन्हा सा चिराग...

दूर कहीं एक,
नन्हा सा चिराग...
और मैं!

मुझे निगलता अँधेरा...
अँधेरे को निगलता चिराग!

जीत कर हारता मैं...
हारकर जीतता चिराग!

जल-जल कर बुझता मैं...
बुझ-बुझ कर जलता चिराग!

दूसरों पर निर्भर मैं...
वहीं, खुद ही बलता चिराग!

आँधियों में बिखरता मैं...
थपेड़ों से लड़ता चिराग!

पल-पल मुरझाता मैं...
हर पल खिलता चिराग!

डरा-सहमा सा मैं...
बेख़ौफ़ जलता चिराग!

खुद के लिए जीता मैं...
ग़ैरों के लिए जलता चिराग!!! 

Once upon a time, I was going through proverbial 'low' in life. One stormy evening, when power was not there and back-up had already backed out, we were left with no option but to light a candle to ward off darkness. It was when I mentally wrote this. I kept comparing myself and my situations with the one in which candle was placed. Then as I witnessed the resolute effort on the part of the candle to keep ignited in strong winds, I realized that the situations had got better off me!!!
It turned out to be a life-defining moment for me. From "Oh God! No more!!!" to "Bring it on!!!" is just a change in Attitude!
God Bless you!

THE SYNDIAN invites its readers to contribute similar spiritual experiences.
Jai Hind! Jai Synd! 


My photo
'THE SYNDIAN' is a humble attempt to connect well with each other, with the customer, to register a presence in blogosphere, to prove that the faithful and friendly financial partner is now indeed younger than ever..... Of course it can emerge from a 'Pigmy' to a 'Giant' with cooperation from your side! I invite all the Syndians to become members, contribute articles, develop this initiative into a full-blown forum for discussion for banking, finance, personnel, marketing issues... Once it consolidates, we can integrate the same in our marketing efforts and use it as a potent tool to interact with the generation 'Z'!