Sunday, May 30, 2010

थैंक्स सिंड

सिंड है पहचान अपनी,
सिंड ही अभिमान है!
सिंड के परचम तले,
हमें चलना अविराम है!

सिंड की प्रगति की राह में,
हमारा हर आगाज़ है!
सिंड है वो पंछी जिसकी,
ऊंची बहुत परवाज़ है!

सिंड ही है मैत्रीपूर्ण,
सिंड ही वफ़ादार है!
सिंड से जीवन में खुशियाँ,
सिंड से रोज़गार है!

सिंड से भविष्य सुरक्षित,
सिंड ही आधार है!
सिंड से आँखों में सपने,
सिंड ही पालनहार है!


सिंड है हमारा मज़हब,
सिंड ही अराध्य है!
जय हिंद के पश्चात अब,
जय सिंड ही का नाद है!

Hindi, besides being our official language happens to be my mother-tongue. But, it may not be so in your case. So for the reader who stands on the other side of the language divide, here is an attempt to present the essence of the above piece in English. This is not by any means a translation, and may not match the standards of grammar and semantics. Here it goes:

“Synd is our identity and recognition. Synd is our source of pride. Under the direction and flag of Synd, we have to march relentlessly, without stop.”
“All our initiatives are on the course of Synd’s progress. Synd is that bird, which can fly very high into the sky with our efforts.”
“Synd alone is friendly, Synd alone is faithful. Synd is the cause of happiness in our lives; Synd alone provides us employment.”
“With Synd standing solidly behind, our future is secure; Synd in fact is the foundation of our existence.”
“Synd is the source of all our dreams, big and small. Synd is the giver of bread and butter.”
“Synd alone is our religion and faith, Synd alone is our deity. Jai Synd now comes only next to Jai Hind.”

While the previous post (I AM THE SYNDIAN – CELEBRATION OF THE SERVICE SPIRIT) was aimed at projecting the Institution and the employee (The Syndian) as service-oriented and customer-centric; the current post tries to express gratitude to the Institution for being a source of fulfillment of all our needs, physiological, safety, social, esteem and self-actualization (Maslow’s Hierarchy). It is also an expression of unequivocal commitment towards the cause of Synd.

Jai Hind! Jai Synd!


My photo
'THE SYNDIAN' is a humble attempt to connect well with each other, with the customer, to register a presence in blogosphere, to prove that the faithful and friendly financial partner is now indeed younger than ever..... Of course it can emerge from a 'Pigmy' to a 'Giant' with cooperation from your side! I invite all the Syndians to become members, contribute articles, develop this initiative into a full-blown forum for discussion for banking, finance, personnel, marketing issues... Once it consolidates, we can integrate the same in our marketing efforts and use it as a potent tool to interact with the generation 'Z'!